Yes, I do believe I am worthy of electrolyte water.
I’m buzzed but not fed.

I spend a lot of time analyzing what people do and justifying their behavior.

She didn’t do the assignment because she felt like she had no control, so she took control back by not doing the assignment.

She didn’t respond to the email because she didn’t know the answer. It’s better to pretend she didn’t see the message than risk giving an incorrect response.

After dinner, she wadded her napkin tightly into a perfect, tiny ball dense like a black hole because she had to express her discomfort in a discreet way. It’s better to eat matter than to make matter at the dinner table.

I am thankful for the ability to index past experiences and apply that knowledge gained. It is the only evolutionary advantage.
But bearings are fleeting when perception is everything. I want to say something sweet here about how life is all about the act of discovering a strong sense of place. But, in reality, I’m tired.
And that sentiment is not me being honest. I spend so much time seeking stability in identity that I am never stable, so I think I am going to stop worrying about what kind of plant I am and just grow, kindly.

Enclosed is a selection of photographs from my collection. Don’t be afraid. There is nothing profound here.

© 2024